The Lectionary is the liturgical book containing the Scripture readings for each Mass.
The Scripture readings for the Ordinary Form (OF) English Sunday Masses rotate over three years, designated Cycles A, B & C.
OF Daily Mass Scripture readings rotate every two years designated as Year I and Year II (Year II being read on even numbered years.)
There are proper Scripture readings for designated Feasts and Solemnities.
The Scripture readings for the Extraordinary Form (EF) Latin Masses are on a repeating yearly cycle.
Our listed homilies are arranged by their specific Mass. For instance:
20th Sunday A 2017- Matthew 15:21-28 (P)
means that the homily is for the:
-20th Sunday of Ordinary Time
- Cycle A 2017 and using the
- Gospel of Matthew
- Chapter 15, Verses 21-28
- and (P) = Police Story
[ (Ch)= Church story; (F)= Family Story ]